Incase you haven't heard already, "Twitter" is bein' a bit of an idiot, so I'm moving here to post my art and stuff.
But, nevertheless I'll re-introduce myself.
I'm GalexTheStarborn, I made this account YEARS ago with the username LucaTheSammich. I changed it cause I got tired of it.
I'm on several platforms [Minus that shithole twitter] so feel free to support where you can.
Usually I'll be putting ideas, drawings, and other things down here for y'all to check out! And the cool thing you can do if you like the stuff I'm putting out is if you follow to see even more of my posts!
"I usually forget that I have a shit-ton of accounts on websites so forgive me if I'm not active all the time"
Anyways, The reason why the posts is called Starborn Central is because I'm working on a game called Satrborn Chronicles, its a passion project of mine that I'm really pround of, hopefully I'll be able to post it here once its finished? I mean it is an RPGmaker game and there's a lot of stuff that's gonna be added but whatevs right?
either way I do hope some of the people that see this are interested! and if you are there's several ways to contact me, usually through discord. which is just [GalexTheStarborn] <--- This but all lowercase.